
The Process

Usually, when I speak with a new customer, one of the questions they ask is:

"So how does this process work?"

So I thought it would be helpful to explain how we get started and what to expect.

     1. First Contact - By phone, email, or Facebook, you contact us about your project. (Contact Us)

     2. Phone Interview - We will talk with you to get an understanding of your project(s), what your specific needs are, your timeframe, etc. During the phone interview, we will set an appointment to meet.

     3. Meeting - At our meeting, we will get to know one another better and look at your project. We will discuss the circumstances, answer questions that you may have, identify creative and logistical options, and start to develop a process.

     4. Quote - We will then return to our office, create a project plan, research materials, and develop a quote. This quote will include all of the aspects that we discussed and be sent to you via the email you provide. It will be presented in proposal form which, when signed, becomes our contract. (Blank Proposal)

     5. Your Response - If the process, terms, and pricing are acceptable to you, upon your response, we will schedule the project.

     6. Schedule -  Scheduling is usually within two weeks and we will be dedicated on your project until completion.